Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Wow, I'm sure glad that week didn't count...

Oye! My guys didn't fare so well in the Mercedes... good thing the real rotisserie league hasn't started yet.

Ok, I've done a little "fine tuning" to my team. Ted, sorry dude. You're not playing in the Sony Open, and I've got to fill a team. Doing due diligence on the stats leads me to replace you with Heath Slocum.

While I'm at it, I see that Kevin Sutherland is available and his 2005 stats lead me to believe he's more valuable than Bob Tway.

As far as the Salary Cap... well, let's just say it's a good thing everyone got paid. I'm somewhere near the bottom of the pile in that one.

Sergio was my "Pick-a-Pro" and he didn't win, so no points there either.

All in all, week one was a learning experience.


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