Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I only got one thing right at the FBR

Phil Mickelson didn't win... almost, but didn't.

As for my team, they didn't like the weather, the crowds, the wind... you name it, they just didn't play well at all.

Four of the six played on the weekend. Hunter Mahan and Aaron Baddeley went home early. I was especially surprised at Baddeley not making the cut, as he's played well here in the past, and lives in the area.

Boo Weekley gave the course a good run, but couldn't keep up with J. B. Holmes, who was looking for redemption.

For scores, Boo Weekley had 650 points. Jonathon Byrd, who at one time was contending, finished with 469. Rory Sabbatini and Camilo Villegas each earned 118 points.

This was one of my worst team performances, dropping me back to where I started. With only 1355 points, I dropped 567 positions back to rank 1865.

On the other hand, the other guy in my league had a pretty good week. He's now up to 363 with with a total of 21238 points. I have a total of 16886 points.


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