Monday, July 24, 2006

It feels so good to have two winners in a row!

Yep, John Senden broke through for his first win at the John Deere Classic. He then hopped a quick flight to England and the British Open where he made it clear through the weekend.

And then there was Tiger... my man!

I loved the way he out funked Fred Funk... a 2-iron off of nearly every tee, and he actually hit 46 of 48 fairways... That was totally awesome!

Yes, I actually got out of bed before sun up to see Tiger play... and he didn't disappoint me at all.

Watching Tiger methodically go about his business, I was reminded of the great differences between him and Phil Mickleson.

I really believe Phil is in greater need of of a sports psychologist than the entourage he's travelling with. While Pelz and friends can prepare him in every way... twice now, I've heard him apologize for "poor execution". To me, that means his problem kis between his ears... not anywhere in the mechanics of his golf swing.

Tiger, on the other hand, has a mental toughness honed through years of discipline. Sure, he has gone through a two year period of swing changes... preparing his body for the long years ahead.

There's nothing natural about a golf swing when it comes to the impact on your body. Just ask any chiropractor or sports physio-therapist. You place an unbelievable strain on the back, the low abs, the knees and hips.

So, what's next? While I'm solidly in second place now in the Fantasy league, I've set some goals... improve upon my personal league stats. More on that in my next update.

Shari Thomas

Thursday, July 13, 2006

And the John Deere Classic is underway...

Woudn't you know it... just when I have a real opportunity to widen the distance between my team in 2nd place and the also rans, Ben Crane decides not to play.

What's worse... he made that decision AFTER player selection time. Now, normally I wouldn't make mention of this... however... this isn't the first time my homeboy has let me down.

A quick review of his 2006 stats tells me he's off my team for the rest of the year, no matter how much I like to support my local players.

No problem, I'll compete this week with Arjun Atwal, Daniel Chopra, Ruyji Imada, Billy Mayfair, and John Senden.

Looking at their stats, it's no wonder I've climbed back into second place after a couple of disterous weeks.

Onward and upward!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Yikes! We're half-way through the season!

Ok, I've been playing each and every week... just have had no time to post.

That changes this week as I'm re-committing to this whole blogging thing. I've never been real good at relationships, and having a blog is a little like that. You'll see in the sidebar I have more than one blog. In fact I work online. Since I write for a living, it's somehow less interesting to write for fun.

Time to put the fun back in my life.

Watch for me to make a number of updates as my team has evolved considerably over the season.

As far as the league standings, I'm in a distant 2nd place, thanks in part to a couple of weeks with less than a full team, Tiger's layoff, and other's who have had less than stellar stats.